© Charly Derouet - ADT
© Charly Derouet - ADT

Forest bathing: harness the virtues of the woods

Sylvotherapy boasts unexpected benefits for both body and mind. Experience rejuvenation while connecting with the trees, nature, and yourself. In Alsace, remarkable and harmonious forests of fir, oak, beech, and chestnut are the ideal place to learn or practice this ancestral discipline.


Inhale, exhale, meditate

When your five senses are all calling for rest and relaxation, it’s time for a forest therapy session. Sylvotherapy combines meditation with gentle and carefree encounters with nature by enriching yourself with the surrounding energy. Just imagine: the aroma of lush green nature, leaves crackling under your bare feet, the sound of singing birds as you walk by, rays of light breaking through the treetops. Calm and beauty are everywhere in a landscape where all colors have their place. It's easy to see how Alsace's natural setting promotes relaxation, serenity, and inner harmony.

© Max Coquard - Best Jobers - ADT
© V. Muller - ADT

Experience 100
Relax in the forest of La Petite-Pierre

In just a few minutes, you’ve walked into the heart of the forest. Your forest therapy guide softly directs your movements. Close your eyes, listen to your breathing, get into rhythm with nature, touch the wood, breathe in the smells of the plants, and feel the earth under your bare feet.

So begins your relaxation in the forest of the Northern Vosges near La Petite-Pierre. You already knew that the forest does a lot of good, but this session teaches you how to relax in the woods and forge a natural sensitivity while connecting with trees. It’s clear now that the key to overcoming stress lies in the forest.

Take a joyful plunge into the forest
© V. Muller - ADT

Experience 101
Develop your relationship with nature in Haguenau

Learn how to breathe differently, relax, and listen to your body resonate in contact with the living woods among hundred-year-old trees. The sixth largest lowland forest in France, the Haguenau Forest stretches for 30 km from west to east and 10 km from north to southeast. Head to the heart of this green oasis, an Exceptional Forest®, for a workshop learning how to recognize wild herbs and how to make your own essential oils. Here, there are no limits, everything is possible. The purpose of the experience is to develop your need for nature. A bath that does you good.

Take a joyful plunge into the forest

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© J. Mondière - ADT


© J. Mondière - ADT
© J. Mondière - ADT


bullez dans 7 spas d'exception en Alsace© J. Mondière - ADT
© Max Coquard - Best Jobers - ADT


Dreaming of Alsace
La charmante Wissembourg. Maisons à colombages et géraniums, bienvenue en Alsace !© Max Coquard - Best Jobers - ADT
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