Quai de la Poissonnerie - Colmar©Istock - Sergey Dzyuba
©Istock - Sergey Dzyuba

A great weekend in Colmar

For a weekend, meander through the narrow cobblestone streets, past the half-timbered houses and flower-laden windowsills of the charming city of Colmar. Be enchanted by the city’s historic centre and explore a few treasures of the Alsace Wine Route, located just a few kilometres away. 

  • Length2 days
  • Means of transportOn foot, by car

Day 1: A walk through unique heritage

Fall in love with the charm of the city centre

Start your weekend slowly, by strolling around the city centre. Go to Saint Martin's Collegiate Church by crossing Rue des Tanneurs. On the way, you’ll discover shops where you can find authentic artisanal products and popular eateries. Make a stop in Rue des Marchands to admire Pfister House, a historic monument of the city.

Maison Pfister - Colmar©OT Colmar

Experience La Dolce Vita in Little Venice

To bring a touch of romance to your weekend, go to the bridge in Little Venice to admire the city’s most romantic view. Next, climb aboard a flat-bottomed boat and enjoy a ride through Little Venice. You’ll discover the city from a different angle, exploring every nook and cranny and appreciating its lush greenery, picturesque architecture and charming décor, for a moment of total relaxation.

Balade en barque sur la Petite Venise - Colmar©Max Coquard - Best Jobers

Gaze in awe at the Unterlinden Museum

The very museum itself is a discovery, with grandiose architecture combining classical and contemporary styles. Housed in a former convent, the museum holds amongst its collections the famous Isenheim Altarpiece, which marked the art history of the 16th century. Continue your visit through an underground gallery, where you will discover the museum’s history.

Once on the other side, go into the former Municipal Baths, which now house the museum’s contemporary wing with works by major artists such as Monet, Picasso and Dubuffet.  The highlight? The Guernica tapestry by René and Jacqueline Dürrbach, a perfect replica of Picasso's painting. There are only three in the world, in New York, Japan, and, since 2016, Colmar!

Musée Unterlinden©Ruedi Walti

Gourmet rendezvous

To end your day on a beautiful note, dine on Fishmongers' Dock (Quai de la Poissonnerie). Seated comfortably, you’ll relax and enjoy the view of the city’s flower-laden bridges, while you savour a delicious, typical meal with flammenkueche, or take the gourmet route, with a rack of suckling pig roasted in hay.

Day 2: Excursion on the Alsace Wine Route

Discover the Treasures of the Wine Country

These treasures are seven of the most picturesque villages on the Alsace Wine Route, located not far from Colmar: Beblenheim, Bennwihr, Hunawihr, Mittelwihr, Riquewihr, Ribeauvillé and Zellenberg. Culinary delights and the pleasures of wine will set the pace of your excursion. Meander your way through the wine country, and experience the enchantment of the landscape with its lush, postcard-perfect vineyards. A moment of replenishment and freedom, set against the backdrop of the Plain of Alsace and the first hint of the Black Forest.

Visit a “Preferred Village”

Discover one of “France’s Preferred Villages” near Colmar. You’ll fall in love at first sight with Kaysersberg and its historic heritage, the landscape of which is one of the finest legacies of the Middle Ages. Make a stop in Eguisheim, ranked as one of the “Most Beautiful Villages in France”. You’ll be charmed by this typically Alsatian village, featuring flower-laden fountains and half-timbered façades, splashing the town in bright and pleasant colours.

Expect the unexpected

In the footsteps of Auguste Bartholdi

A little piece of America in Colmar? Follow in the footsteps of Auguste Bartholdi, the illustrious sculptor from Colmar who designed the Statue of Liberty.

Start your journey at the house where Auguste Bartholdi was born, and where the eponymous museum is now located. Sculptures, paintings, drawings and photographs illustrate his artwork. Next, set off on a treasure hunt of the artist’s work in the city: Les Grand Soutiens du Monde (The Great Supporters of the World), Schwendi Fountain and the Statue of General Rapp. Before leaving Colmar, make sure you go see the 12-metre-high replica of the famous Statue of Liberty!

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