" This charming winegrowing town in the Vosges Piedmont, nestled against the Bischenberg hill, hides some unsuspected treasures. Go to their discovery with Rémi, solve the riddles, collect clues and find the word treasure! "
Welcome to Bischoffsheim!
This charming wine city of the Vosges Piedmont nestled against the hill of Bischenberg hides some unsuspected treasures. Go to their discovery with Rémi, solve the riddles, collect clues and find the word treasure!
To play, download the free application "La piste des trésors d'Alsace".
Additional information
- Prices : Free
- Type of event, exhibition : Games / competitions / role-playing games
- Place/Departure of the event : Parking du Castel
- Car parking : Less than 200 m from a free public car park
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