Séjours itinérants bivouac dans la vallée de la Bruche

What is a bivouac? It's a light camp, with or without a tent, temporary for one night only, with the obligation to leave the next morning in the strict condition in which you found it the day before. Why bivouac? It's a real mountain experience, learning to detach oneself from our usual modes of comfort, while remaining within a reasonable framework of well-being. It also means learning how to manage the contents of your pack and your food. It's a guarantee of shared moments of conviviality. And above all, it means getting close to nature and experiencing the paradox of moving around and feeling like you're taking a break from time. This is what RandoEmotion has to offer, with stays in the Bruche valley, in the heart of the central Vosges.

Additional information
  • Matériel nécessaire : Walking shoes, Warm clothes , lunch paket
  • Group headcount :
    • Maxi : 6
  • Prices : De 127€ par personne à 324€ par personne selon la durée du séjour et le nombre de participants

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