Bicycle tour between Lembach and Niederbronn-les-Bains

  • 2h
  • 27,9km
  • 406m
  • Intermediate

" Un parcours de près de 28 km à travers le massif des Vosges du Nord se prête à la découverte des multiples rochers et ruines de châteaux forts surplombant l'itinéraire cyclable. "

Cycle tour between the Green Resorts of Lembach and Niederbronn-les-Bains. A route of almost 28 km through the Northern Vosges mountains is ideal for discovering the many rocks and castle ruins that overhang the cycle route. Start from Lembach and head towards Niedersteinbach. Between the two, make a foray to Fleckenstein Castle. This semi-troglodyte building from the 12th century is remarkable for its construction and its location, just a few steps from the German border. A visit to the castle is a must whether you are with friends or family! Continue downhill towards the Fleckenstein pond and its campsite. Drive around the pond and reach the picturesque village of Niedersteinbach, situated in its green setting. Then cross the village of Obersteinbach surrounded by many remarkable rocks and head towards Niederbronn-les-Bains. Don't miss a stop at the Schoeneck castle before reaching the spa town of Niederbronn-les-Bains. This spa town, classified as a "Station Verte" (green resort), is a must-see in Alsace Verte with its many assets: a spa town with a casino and various possibilities for discovery (Maison de l'Archéologie, Roman remains), located at the foot of the highest point of the Northern Vosges marked by the Grand Wintersberg.

Additional information
  • Type of hiking trail : paved road, piste / bande cyclable
  • IGN Map : 3814ET, Haguenau Lembach PNR Vosges du Nord
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