Schieweschlawe 2025
" The Schieweschlawe celebrates the arrival of spring, or rather, chases away winter! This is done by throwing a flaming disc: the disc symbolizes the sun, which should shine down on the valley. This fire-throwing also chased away evil spirits to attract prosperity for the New Year... "
The Schieweschlawe is an important tradition in Alsace, and particularly in the village of Wintzenheim-Kochersberg, which aims to chase away the evil spirits of winter by throwing flaming wooden discs made from handcrafted wood. Meet on the hill above the village hall.
Refreshments and tartes flambées on site.
- Pets allowed : yes
- Restaurant on site : Drinks, Small-scale catering
- Prices : gratuit
- Type of event, exhibition : Traditional feast
- Place/Departure of the event : Colline au-dessus de la salle des fêtes de Wintzenheim-Kochersberg
- Car parking : Less than 200 m from a free public car park