Conte : Au fond des bois

" Dive into a poetic universe where seeds, animals and wind take you on a journey. Storytelling and music punctuate this sensory adventure for toddlers aged 6 months to 5 years. "

A hop, skip and a jump over the creek and here's the entrance to the woods. With my head in the branches, I watch the wind blow the little seeds around. Here's one that comes close to a bush, hiding an all-too-greedy wolf. From seed to seed, story to story, meet a curious fly, Mr. Deleau on his boat, a singing bird. These little stories are punctuated by the cry of the toad, who plays his solo every evening on his water lily by the pond...

Additional information
  • Prices : Tarif 3€ Gratuit -12 ans
  • Type of event, exhibition : Fairy tales/ local histories and legends

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