Show : le vieux qui lisait des romans d'amour

Antonio José Bolivar knows the depths of the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants, the noble Shuar people. When the villagers of El Idilio falsely accuse them of the murder of a white hunter, the old man leaves his romances - the only escape from the barbarity of man - to hunt down the real culprit, a majestic panther...

Narrated by Lénaïc Eberlin, directed by Alberto García Sánchez, dramaturgy by Julien Tauber, co-produced by LaCuisine, fabrique artistique.

With the support of the DAC de Guyane, the Ministère des Outre-mer, the GIP-ACMISA, the Région Grand Est, the Collectivité Européenne d'Alsace and the City of Strasbourg.

Ages 10 and up.

Additional information
  • Amenities services : Toilets
  • Languages spoken : French
  • Prices : 8 € / Reduced price: 5 €
  • Type of event, exhibition : Spectacle
  • Place/Departure of the event : Les Synergies
  • Car parking : Less than 200 m from a free public car park

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