Casemate Rieffel

" Venez découvrir la casemate Rieffel, un témoin de la célèbre Ligne Maginot. Plongez-vous dans la vie quotidienne des soldats pendant la "Drôle de Guerre", les passionnés vous attendent pour une visite inoubliable ! "

This work of the Maginot Line is one of the 5 fortifications defending the municipal area of Oberrœdern and was part of the main defense line between the imposing artillery work of Schœnenbourg and the shelter of Hatten. The two-level casemate. It was one of the first to be built on the Maginot Line in 1930. It housed 24 men under its reinforced concrete shell. Attacked in June 1940 and in January 1945, it still bears the marks of these bombardments, like the 4 other casemates located in the commune.

  • Pets allowed : yes
Additional information
  • Altitude : 140m
  • Distance to the nearest station (km) : 5km
  • Prices :
    • Adult rate : 0€
    • Child rate : 0€
  • Type of visits proposed : Free visit, Guided tour for individuals with reservation, Guided tour for groups, Guided tour for groups with reservation
  • Equipment required : Warm clothes
  • Languages spoken : French, German
  • Practical services : Group reception
  • Group headcount :
    • Mini : 4
    • Maxi : 12

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