Nuits de la lecture: Conference on heritage maintenance and enhancement

For the 4th edition of the Nuits de la lecture on the theme of heritage, follow a lecture on the subject of heritage maintenance and enhancement, using the example of Strasbourg's Palais universitaire. Matthieu Mensch, Museum Collections Assistant, Doctor of History, University of Strasbourg Heritage is a very broad concept, covering everything from castles to Neapolitan pizza to works of art. But how can we define it, and what constraints and assets does it entail? Using the example of Strasbourg's Palais Universitaire (a UNESCO listed historic monument), a unique example of university heritage from the Wilhelminian imperial era, we'll see how heritage can be alive and must be protected.

Additional information
  • Prices : Gratuit
  • Type of event, exhibition : Conference
  • Place/Departure of the event : Médiathèque de Schirmeck

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